Curbside Consult is a premium feature that can only be accessed with the PRO and PRO+HBO plans. This article is an overview. For instructions on how to submit a Curbside Consult click here and for instructions on how to remove patient identifiers from images click here.
What is it?
Curbside Consult is a premium feature where healthcare professionals can discuss clinical and reimbursement questions with our panel of wound care and hyperbaric oxygen therapy (HBO) specialists.
Who is part of the the advisory panel?
Our trusted, multi-speciality panel is currently comprised of WoundReference co-founders and members of the Advisory and Editorial Board - passionate clinicians and reimbursement specialists with a variety of backgrounds, who for decades have been dedicating their careers to wound care and HBO.
How does it work?
- Share and discuss a case, ask any wound care and HBO-related questions on patient care, products, interventions, hyperbarics utilization, operations and safety issues. Our specialists will answer your question as soon as possible.
- You will receive a link in your email when the response is ready (our target is 4 hours if question is posted before 1pm and 24 hours if posted after 1pm).
- If it is your first post, please make sure to check your Junk mail folder and move your message to your main inbox folder.
- All case information will remain on our secured platform.
- See article on how to submit a Curbside Consult
Are my questions visible to everyone?
No, by default questions are private to you and the advisors only and not visible to other WoundReference subscribers. However, having a pool of visible answers that everyone can search when needed can be a great timesaver. If you would like your post to be visible to other Wound Reference members, please check the box "This message is private by default. Check if you want it to be visible to other users".
Can I post patient information?
Please remove any patient identifier such as face, name, medical record number, etc before posting a question or image. You can use picture editors to do so. See how to redact images using your computer or mobile device
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